Tuesday, April 17, 2007


What a Glorious Day

There are challenges everywhere, everyday. We deal with stress, strife and frustrations, issues and aggravations, people and situational oinker boinkers, oinking and boinking us from every which direction. Do you ever feel like a rope is tied tightly to your ankle and a pack of wild horses are dragging you through life. Being bumped, cut and scraped along the way with no known means to stop it. (My, that is a vivid, cheerful image) It sometimes seems every moment of every day is filled with responsibilities, obligation, bills, taxes and things that must be done.

Now that your day has been brightened and you’re feeling cheerful, honestly though, the intent of this verbiage wasn’t to bring you down. The point to be made here is we aren’t alone even though it often times feels that way. There are blessings and joys each day as well. We just need to stop the mental wild ride just long enough each day to realize it. There is beauty in every day as well, although a conscious effort to notice is essential.

Finding humor in life’s challenges and a continuous balance can make all the days not just tolerable but enjoyable. If balance is lacking in your life
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Have a great and glorious day.

What a Glorious Day

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