Sunday, April 22, 2007


Ways to Revel!

In the coming blah, blah, blogs right here, you’ll find some tips, tricks and suggestions as to how to ward off the oinker boinkers, love your family on the most stressful (which is everyday with kids) days. Revel in the (non-stop) stress. Revel in the career (more likely a J.O.B.) you adore. Revel in the perfect (doubt it) home and neighborhood you reside in.

Don’t take all of this pessimism (realism) the wrong way. No doubt some and maybe many of you are very content with some of the afore mentioned areas of life, but it is HIGHLY unlikely that the majority of people are completely content with ALL of these areas of life. If you think you are one of the lucky ones it is quite possible that you are kidding yourself. Good tidings and best wishes to all!
Ways to Revel!

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