Monday, April 16, 2007


Pigs Are People Too!!?
Obviously pigs are not people but as a metaphor they are. As the numerous examples in my article on retail express, the attitudes and behaviors of many people today represent a gross lack of concern for others and in turn themselves. How did we get here from the more respectful days of yesteryear?

At Christmas time (in the Department Store) it was discovered that a child had torn apart a package of markers and proceeded to draw on tablets of paper, other products, the shelves, walls and floor. I would assume it to be a young child or they would have known better. If that was the case, what type of parent leaves a young child alone long enough to create such destruction?

If the truth be known pigs are in fact tidy creatures. They may wallow in the muck and mud but they watch out for one another. They can even be a pet in ones home and trained to use a litter box. Maybe these Oinker Boinkers need to experience some time with the pigs to learn some more tolerable manors.

Pigs are people too.

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