Tuesday, May 1, 2007



You may have a splendid career or a J.O.B. Either way, there are always good people to interact with and oinker boinkers. It must be some type of universal, unavoidable oxy-moron to keep the world spinning in the right direction, because there is always at least one oinker boinker in the world of the real job.
One may be stressed out and frustrated by their job, but it truly can always be worse. If your health is good be thankful for that. If your family is wonderful be ever so thankful for that. If there are friends and relatives in your life that don’t wreak havoc on your sanity, but are helpful and supportive, this is another grand blessing, so appreciate it.
If your job isn’t what it should be for you, it’s your life, it’s your job and you are completely responsible for the decisions that you have made to acquire your current status.
No amount of complaints or rationalization justifies not pursuing change if you so desire and are not satisfied. The point is to be glad for what you have while you have it. If you’re content, that’s great. If you’re not, the responsibility to channel desire and pursue a better future lies with you. It can absolutely be done by anyone with the courage to hop out of the comfort zone and seek, investigate, research and strive for a new life. Remember though life is not always greener on the other side.
Don’t waste the precious moments along the way.
Be grateful for all the things that you have even if the job isn’t one of them. Appreciate all good things in your life even when other effects are not so good. There are life situations that can make any job look good no matter what the situation. Go forth in peace and sanity.


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